The Jewish Legacy Society was developed to honor and celebrate those who have made a public and everlasting commitment to the Jewish future. Joining the Jewish Legacy Society will bring you much pride and joy. By leaving a bequest to Chabad Lubavitch of Camden County you are insuring a strong and vibrant Jewish community.
With deep respect and gratitude, we extend the following benefits to all members of the Jewish Legacy Society:
A Jewish Legacy Award acknowledging your generous contribution.
Recognition on our website and printed material.
Invitation to special Legacy Society events and seminars.
The nachas and joy of knowing that future generations will benefit from your kindness.
The most lasting item — valued above all, is the personal satisfaction that comes with knowing that you and your loved ones have made a difference. You have lit the candle that will become an eternal flame.
Your Moment. Your Legacy. Your Chabad.
Please be sure to share with us your intentions to leave a legacy so we can appropriately thank you. To join the Jewish Legacy Society, please contact us.