While nothing beats intrinsic motivation, we are all helped a bit with external motivators. Welcome to the Coin/Prize System at Chabad Hebrew School;-)

Here are ways to earn points for prizes:

Attendance, Promptness and Participation:

As soon as our students arrive each day, they will be marked on time by our greeter. School starts at 9:30am. To be marked on time, our students need to have arrived by 9:35am. Arriving on time warrants for a coin and an early treat during ClubKEF.

Coins are added up individually. Students can also recieve coins for class participation. Four times during the school year we have a prize store where students can spend their well-deserved coins.

Twice yearly (mid-year and at year’s end), we will be awarding the student with the best attendance record a Visa Giftcard. 

Aleph Champ Home Work Reward:

At the end of Hebrew Reading time, students are each given a Homework Card and a reading page. (Example: Green, page 2.). The worksheet can also be found by going to www.TheChabadCenter.Org/HebrewSchool and clicking on Curriculum>Hebrew Reading>Aleph Champ Homework or by clicking HERE. We ask that our students review their homework each day for 5 minutes to increase the fluidity of their reading. Once homework is reviewed, students fill out our online Review Form and/or sign their paper slip stating that the homework was completed. Each week the Review Form is filled out, your child gets another point on his/her Aleph Champ Chart. Every 5 points on the Aleph Champ Chart is a delicious treat!