Mikvah MagicMikvah Magic
By Ellen Resnick

I had been there before on the tour, but this was different. It was late at night, and I was about to partake in an ancient ritual considered one of the three most important mitzvahs for Jewish women

The MikvahThe Mikvah
By Rivkah Slonim

Everything you wanted to know about Mikvah but didn't know to ask

A Feminist on MikvahA Feminist on Mikvah
Interview with Rivkah Slonim by Janice Lochansky

In biblical times, entrance to a holy space was contingent on spiritual purity. Today, it is in sacred union alone that this law is enforced. Until the Holy Temple is rebuilt, it is in our bedrooms that we build the most hallowed of all hallowed shrines

Immersion of Mind, Body and SoulImmersion of Mind, Body and Soul
A Mystical Understanding of Mikvah
By Sara Esther Crispe

Join us as we delve into the inner dimensions of the mikvah process and understand how the physical process that a woman undergoes represents a psychological, spiritual and emotional journey that all of the Jewish people are on

Living WatersLiving Waters
Experiencing Mikvah
By Leah Caroline

Again and again I lose awareness of myself and then regain it; a cycle of life, death, and birth is repeating over and over. It is just the water and I. Or is it? If I am losing myself in the water, is there just water? There is clarity in the simplicity of the oneness. There is only good...

The Ladies ClubThe Ladies Club
My First Mikvah Experience
By Gavriella Lerner

"Mommy has to go to the ladies' club. She will only be there a little bit. We have to wait here because we are not ladies." Even at three, I shared his trait of quick-thinking and responded, "You are not a lady, but I am! You call me your 'little lady' all the time!" He smiled and laughed at both my wit and my innocence...

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